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Pet Rescue Art: Beware of the Dog’s Mama

Pet Rescue Art:  Beware of Mama

I live in a state where the news flow is littered with stories of animal neglect and abuse…you really can’t avoid seeing it unless you choose to shut the world out completely.  Every time I see a new story I look at my own dogs and wonder how could it happen so often.  The reality is that I know how it happens…people who abuse the innocent…whether its a child, an elderly person, a

pet rescue art, dog art, the rescue mama, pet rescue, dog rescue
The Rescue Mama

handicapped person or an animal are spiritually sick.   The rest of society has to take the responsibility to do their best to protect the innocent and vulnerable from the spiritually sick.  I painted this little diddy after I read about a particularly disturbing animal abuse case right here in Scott County…I won’t retell it…but it was horrible.  This painting went viral pretty quick on Pinterest….guess I am not the only one who feels protective of my dogs!

My dog’s are all sweeties…but all shall pity the fool who messes with mama’s dogs!

Rescue On!


Do you love all things pet and pet rescue?  Follow me on Facebook or Pinterest…check out my ETSY shop for this other and other paintings!